Healthy Homes Standards

On 1 July 2019, the Healthy Homes Standards became law. On 1 July 2021, all private rental agreements – new or renewed on or after this date – must be compliant with the Standards. These Standards aim to raise the standard of rental homes throughout New Zealand.

The Standards focus on ensuring healthier and warmer rental homes, which benefits both landlords and tenants!

Tenancy Services notes the following focus areas:

Heating: “Landlords must provide one or more fixed heaters that can directly heat the main living room. The heater(s) must be acceptable types, and must meet the minimum heating capacity required for your main living room.”

Insulation: “Ceiling and underfloor insulation has been compulsory in all rental homes since 1 July 2019. The healthy homes insulation standard builds on the current regulations and some existing insulation will need to be topped up or replaced.”

Ventilation: “Rental homes must have openable windows in the living room, dining room, kitchen and bedrooms. Kitchens and bathrooms must have extractor fans.”

Moisture ingress & drainage: “Rental properties must have efficient drainage for the removal of storm water, surface water and ground water. Rental properties with an enclosed sub-floor space must have a ground moisture barrier.”

Draught stopping: “Landlords must make sure the property doesn’t have unreasonable gaps or holes in walls, ceilings, windows, skylights, floors and doors which cause noticeable draughts. All unused open fireplaces must be closed off or their chimneys must be blocked to prevent draughts.”

If you are a landlord, it may well be worth your time and money to do a bit of planning to ensure your rental is compliant before 2024. Head on down to your local BuildLink store and hear how they can help!

Or read more about the Healthy Homes Standards in our magazine.

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